Two Majors of MSE Selected Into the First Batch of National First-class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites
Author:Teaching Affairs Office Edit:Liao Liangmin, Wu Yangtian       Release time:Jan 6, 2020       click:

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education announced the list of National and Provincial First-class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites of 2019. 27 majors of HUST were selected into the National First-class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites (hereafter the “National Sites”), and 11 majors were selected into the Provincial First-class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites (hereafter the “Provincial Sites”).

Among them, the 2 majors "Mechanical Design and Automation" (Person in Charge: Wang Shuting) and "Industrial Engineering" (Person in Charge: Gao Liang) of MSE were selected as the National Sites.

It is reported that the "Double-10000 Plan" for the construction of first-class undergraduate majors of the Ministry of Education has officially started in April of 2019. The main task of the plan is to build about 10000 National Sites and 10000 Provincial Sites from 2019 to 2021. To apply for this plan, it is necessary for the major sites to meet requirements such as clear major orientation, standardized major management, outstanding reform results, excellent faculty and first-class students cultivation. In 2019, the Ministry of Education identified 4054 National Sites, including 1691 central track (for universities affiliated to Ministry of Education or cooperative-building universities by Ministry of Education and provinces) and 2363 local track (universities affiliated to provinces), and 6210 Provincial Sites.

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