Academic Areas: (1)MEMS/NEMS System design and simulation; (2)Semiconductor process research and equipment design.
Dr. Zhiyin Gan received B.S. degree from Nankai University in 1987, M.S. degree from Beijing Polytech University in 1990, and Ph.D. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China, in 2008. From 1991 to 2002, he was engaged in research in the field of optoelectronics in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Wuhan. From 2003 he served as an associate professor at both School of Mechanical Science and Engineering and Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) and has been a Professor at HUST ever since 2010. His main research interests include computational physics, MEMS/NEMS System design and simulation, opto-electronic and RF devices, MEMS fabrication processes and equipment, semiconductor process equipment design and manufacture. He has served as PI in both national and regional MOCVD equipment projects, and developed Chinese made but innovative MOCVD equipment which has successfully entered industrial stage and ready for volume application.
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. in Physical electronics, 2008, Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
MS in Applied Physics, 1990, Beijing Polytech University.
BS in Physics, 1987,Nankai University
Professional Experience
Ph.D. Supervisor,Professor, 2003-Now,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,School of Mechanical Science and Engineering.
Chief engineer, 2001-2003,Wuhan Optosolutions Communication Co.,Ltd.
Chief engineer, 1995-2000,Shenzhen Wuzhoutong Laser Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Selected Publications
1.Zhiyin Gan, Dexiu Huang, Xuefang Wang, Dong Lin, Sheng Liu. “Getter free vacuum packaging for MEMS”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 149(1), 2009: 159 ~ 164.
2.Tingkai Zhang, Honghai Zhang, Jian Xu, Sheng Liu, Zhiyin Gan. “Study on triple-stack anodic bonding using two electrodes”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 157(1), 2010: 168 ~ 172.
3.Hui Cao, Zhiyin Gan, Qiang Lv, Han Yan, Xiaobin Luo, Xiaohui Song and Sheng Liu. “Single-walled carbon nanotube network/poly composite thin film for flow sensor”, Microsystem Technologies, 16(6), 2010: 955 ~ 959.
4.C. MingXiang, Y. Xingjian, G. Zhiyin and L. Sheng. "Reliability of Anodically Bonded Silicon-glass Packages", Sensors and Actuators, 120(1), 2005: 291 ~ 295.
5.Song X. H., Gan Z. Y., Liu S., Yan H., and Lv Q. (2009), “Computational study of thermocompression bonding of carbon nanotubes to metallic substrates,” Journal of Applied Physics 106:104308.
6.Song X. H., Gan Z. Y., Liu S., Yan H., and Lv Q. (2009), “Controllable fabrication of carbon nanotube-polymer hybrid thin film for strain sensing,” Microelectronic Engineering 86:2330-2333.
7.Song X. H., Liu S., Yan H., and Gan Z. Y., (2009), “First-principles study on effects of mechanical deformation on outer surface reactivity of carbon nanotubes,” Physica E 41:626-630
8.Wang, P., Gan, Z. Y. and Liu, S. (2009), “Improved light extraction of GaN-based light-emitting diodes with surface-patterned ITO,” Optics & Laser Technology 41: 823-826.
9.Gan, Z. Y., Yan, H., Song, X. H., Lv, Q., Cao, H., Xu, J. P., Liu, S. (2009) “Application of Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics to Ga-rich GaN Buffer Layer for Stress Relaxation in GaN Grown Layer,” International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation.
10(5): 557-562. 10.Yan, H., Gan, Z. Y., Song, X. H., Chen, Z. H., Xu, J. P., Liu,S. (2009) , “Adsorption configuration of magnesium on wurtzite gallium nitride surface using first-principles calculations,” Physica B 404:3594-3597.
11.Yan, H., Gan, Z. Y., Song, X. H., Lv, Q., Xu, J. P., Liu, S. (2009), “Car-Parrinello simulation of initial growth stage of gallium nitride on carbon nanotube,” Physica E 41:1143~1146 .
Awards and Honors
Outstanding Young Teachers of HUST,2006
Courses Taught
Engineering Optics
Quantum Mechanics
Basics and Application of MEMS
MEMS/NEMS Simulation
1.Innovation MOCVD reactor design, LED defects suppression and its quantum efficiency control, Project number: 2011CB013103, sub-project of National Basic Research Program of China (973), 2011.11-2016.11 (CNY 7.2M)
2.R&D of homemade mass production MOCVD equipment for Solid State Lighting Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department(2009A011602004) 2009.10-2012.02 (CNY 1.5M)
3.Development and industrialization of high capacity intelligent MOCVD equipment(2011A081301007) 2011.11-2013.11(CNY 20M)
4.Study on electromagnetic-alignment of oriented growth CNTs based induction hot-embossing bonding techniques, Project number: 51075171, The National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011.01-2013.12(CNY 0.228M)
5.Study on Micro-and Nano-scale oriented MEMS design modeling and simulation platform, Project number: 2007AA04Z348, National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863), 2007.12-2009.8 (CNY 0.39M)
6.Study and industrialization of 100lm/W power white LEDs, Project number: 2008AA184, National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863), 2009.01-2012.12(CNY 0.4M)