Huang Zhaohui


Associate Professor



Academic Areas: Industrial Design

Born in 1968.3, associate professor of Industrial Design,mechanical engineering Department,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, master's tutor. Director Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society of industrial design,committee member of Hubei province occupation technology Steering Committee of industrial design,director of Hubei Province Institute of aesthetics,committee member of CDNCA Hubei provincial science and Technology Commission. 1989 Graduated from welding,Huazhong University of science and technology; 1988–1992 Studied industrial design at Hubei Institute of Fine Arts; 1996 graduated from the design department of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, received a master's degree. Since 1996 till now, working at the industrial design of mechanical engineering,Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Academic Degrees

1993.9-1996.6 Hubei Academy of Fine Arts master

Professional Experience

Since 1996.6 till now,working at HuazhongUniversity of Science and Technology. Engaged in the teaching works of design courses and reaching works of the related desiging theory.

1996——2002 mainly engaged in the theoretical research works on the development and designing of new products

2002——2008 mainly engaged in automobile body shape-designing and the theory of sustainable development

2009——2014 mainly engaged in robotics and manufacturing equipment shape-designing , researching of cultural and creative design and the research works on integration design method

Selected Publications

1)《Fast design and expression》,Hubei fine arts publishing house,2009.12,

2)The Design Inspiration in Games-----Chinese Traditional Games Impact on Modern Product Design,The 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling(Institute of Electrical and ElectronicasEngineers,Inc.),2010.10,p708-712,

3)Design Perception and Life Experience,《Decorative》(China decoration magazine),2006,05,p46,

4)The Research on the Innovation of Digital Concept Design,9th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design,vols 1 and 2, 2008,p271-276,

5)The User Research in New Product Development,Materials And Product Tcechnologies, Advanced Materials Research Vols.44-46,TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2008,P619-626,

6)The Exertion of Market Researching in Early Product Design,The 7th International Conference on Computer-aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design(IEEE PRESS),2006.11,p569-573,

Awards and Honors

1)2005 selected in one hundred Outstanding Young People of China design industry;

2)2008 Guidance teacher of Hubei Province outstanding bachelor thesis

3)The discipline competition outstanding teacher

Courses Taught

The undergraduate course: Preliminary design (II) Perspective View and Express Method Product form design Product design(III) Fast design (II) Industrial Design Management

The postgraduate course: System integration design The modeling study of Chinese in traditional culture Research on the shape-designing in Traditional Chinese Culture


Scientific research project:

1.Appearance design works in Project”limb rehabilitation robot” of the national science and technology support plan, and has obtained the national layout-design invention patent.

2.Appearance design works in Project”disabled remote upper limb rehabilitation training robot”of the key project “service robots”in 863 advanced manufacturing field.

3.Electric police car design project of Dongfeng company, won the third prize of science and technology progress , award for outstanding teachers in the third session of the Hubei province art exhibition.

4.The appearance of a golf cart design projects, selected in " the fifteenth " major scientific and technological achievements exhibition in Wuhan area.

5.The appearance design project in a series products development. 6.Xian mausoleum visitors center upgrade planning concept design.

7." X-ray guided the human body minimally invasive interventional treatment of rapid positioning puncture system”has won the patent for utility models.

Teaching reform project:

1.Project ”The research on the form of personnel training in art&design filed based on engineering and technical platform”of Quality engineering of Ministry of education in 2009.

2.”The Study of innovation and practice reseach on the industrial design professional teaching system which based on DesignStudio model “won the second prize in”7th Hubei Province universities teaching achievements.

3. won the third award of Hubei Province 7th excellent higher education research.

4.The paper “research on the timeliness of the course teaching in industrial design” won the second prize of “6th Hubei Province sexcellent higher education research.

5.The paper ”teaching and researching on innovative transportation design ", won the gold prize of ”3th Hubei university art and design exhibition”.

6.The paper “research on the reform of practice teaching in the teaching of industry design”won the first prize of “4th Hubei university art and design exhibition “.

7.The paper”green material research in product design” won the silver prize of ”3th Hubei university art and design exhibition”.

In The Media




4) 《BOSS STYLE》2014.11.p29.