Zhu Fulong


Associate Professor


Email: zhufulong@hust.edu.cn

Academic Areas: Micro and Nanomanufacturing Micrometer/nanometer mechanics Reliability of Micro-electronics packaging

Academic Degrees

Ph.D. in School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2003-2007 

M.S. inDepartment of Engineering Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2000-2003 

B.E. major in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, 1994-1998

Selected Publications

1.Wei Zhang, Fulong Zhu*, HonghaiZhang,et al., “An Adjustable Sensitivity Shadow MoiréTechnique for Surface Morphology Measurement. Journal of Modern Optics”, 2014, 61(8): 641-649. (Registered by SCI, B level magazine)

2.Wei Zhang, Fulong Zhu*, Yiquan Dai, et al.,“Warpage measurement of silicon wafers of various bonding areas”, 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), Guilin, 2012. 1164-1167.

3.Wei Zhang, Fulong Zhu, Shao Song, et al. “3-D warpage measurement of silicon wafer”, 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC), Deng Leng, 2011. 3603-3605.

4.Ying Li, Fulong Zhu*, Yanming Chen, KeDuan, Kai Tang, Sheng Liu,“Analysis of insertion force of electric connector based on FEM”, 21st International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA2014)

5.KeDuan, Fulong Zhu*, Ying Li, Kai Tang, Sheng Liu, YanmingChen,“Contact Resistance Investigation of Electrical Connector with Different Shrink Range” , The 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2014).

6.KeDuan, Fulong Zhu*, Mingxiang Chen, Ying Li, Yanming Chen, “Warpage Analysis of DBC Substrate based on Non-contact Shadow Moiré Technology”, The 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2014).

7.Kai Tang, Fulong Zhu*, Ying Li, KeDuan, Sheng Liu, Yanming Chen,“Effect of Defects on Thermal Conductivity of Graphene” The 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2014).

8.Kai Tang, Fulong Zhu*, Youkai Chen, Ying Li, HengyouLiao,Sheng Liu, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Thermal Conductivity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”,The 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2013).

9.Kai Tang, Fulong Zhu*, Youkai Chen, Ying Li, Hengyou Liao , Xiahui Chen, Sheng Liu, “Effect of Vacancy Defects on Thermal Conductivity of Single-walled Carbon Nanotube”, The 15th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2013).

10.Youkai Chen, Fulong Zhu*, Hengyou Liao, Shao Song, Sheng Liu, “Theeffect of temperature on compressive mechanical behavior of SWCNT-Ni”, The 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP 2012).

11.Youkai Chen, Fulong Zhu*, Hengyou Liao, Shao Song, Sheng Liu, “Compressing Deformation Investigation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Coated with Ni”,The 14th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2012). 12.Youkai Chen, Fulong Zhu*, Kai Tang, Ying Li, Hengyou Liao, Sheng Liu, “Mechanical behavior investigation of single-walled carbon nanotubes with one vacancy”, The 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology (ICEPT 2013). 13.Youkai Chen, Fulong Zhu*, Kai Tang, Ying Li, Hengyou Liao, Xiahui Chen, Sheng Liu, “Mechanical Properties Investigation of Graphene Coated with Ni”,The 15th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC 2013).

14.Hengyou Liao, Fulong Zhu*, Sheng Liu, “MECHANICAL STRETCHING BEHAVIOR SIMULATION OFSWCNT AND SWCNT-NI”, 2011 International Symposium on Advanced Packaging Materials (APM) Conference.

15.Hengyou Liao, Fulong Zhu*, Wei Zhang, “Tensile behaviors investigation of SWCNT-Ni with vacancies”,The 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP 2012).

16.Hengyou Liao, Fulong Zhu*, Wei Zhang, “Torsion behavior simulation of Ni-coating SWCNT based on molecular dynamics”. The 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP 2012).

17.Shao Song, Fulong Zhu*, Wei Zhang, Sheng Liu, “Warpage measurement of various substrates based on white light shadow Moiré technology”, 2011 International Microsystems, Packing, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference(IMPACT 2011), Taipei, 2011. 389-392.

18.Zhaohui Chen, Shengjun Zhou, ZhichengLv, Chuan Liu, Xing Chen, Xiao Jia, Ke Zeng, Bin Song, Fulong Zhu, Mingxiang Chen, Xuefang Wang, Honghai Zhang, Sheng Liu, “Expert advisor for integrated virtual manufacturing and reliability for TSV/SiP based modules”. 2011 Electronic Components and Technology Conference.

19.Dan Xie, Honghai Zhang, Sheng Liu, Fulong Zhu, Sheng Tao, “Mechanical Properties Investigation of PMMA PC and PS during Thermal Nanoimprinting”.The forth International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurements,Hefei,2008.

20.Fulong Zhu*, Shao Song, Wei Zhang, Sheng Liu, “Creep behavior investigation of lead-free solder alloy Sn96.5Ag3Cu0.5”,2010 11th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2010, p 195-198, 2010.

21.Fulong Zhu*, Honghai Zhang, Rongfeng Guan, Sheng Liu, “Investigation of Microstructures and Tensile Properties of a Sn-Cu Lead-free Solder Alloy”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2006 17:385-390.

22.Fulong Zhu*, Honghai Zhang, Rongfeng Guan, Sheng Liu, “the Effect of Temperature and Strain Rate On the Tensile properties of a Sn99.3Cu0.7(Ni) Lead-free Solder Alloy”, Microelectronics Engineering, v84, n1, January, 2007, p144-150.

23.Fulong Zhu*, Honghai Zhang, Rongfeng Guan, Sheng Liu, “Effects of Temperature and Strain Rate on Mechanical property of Sn96.5Ag3Cu0.5”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 438, Issues 1-2, 12 July 2007, Pages 100-105.

24.Fulong Zhu*, Honghai Zhang, Rongfeng Guan, Sheng Liu, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Investigation of Lead-free Solder Sn99.3Cu0.7, 6th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology, Shenzhen, China, Aug. 30 to Sep. 2nd, 2005.

25.Fulong Zhu*, Zhiyong Wang, Rongfeng Guan, Honghai Zhang, “Mechanical Properties of a Lead-Free Solder Alloys”, Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Asian Green Electronics,Shanghai,China, March 15-18, pp.107-112.(EI, ISTP).

26.ZHU Fu-long*, WANG Zhi-yong, GUAN Rong-feng, WANG Xue-fang, ZHANG Hong-hai, LIU Sheng, “Single Axis Mini-Tester of Mechanical Property for Micro-Specimen”, The 3rd International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology (ISIST2004),Aug.18-22, 2004, Xi’an, China, Vol.3, 0562-0568.(ISTP)

27.Fulong Zhu*, Honghai Zhang, Rongfeng Guan, Sheng Liu, “Investigation of Temperature and Strain Rate Behavior of Lead-free Solder Sn96.5Ag3.5”, 13th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA 2006), 3-7 July, 2006, Singapore.(ISTP)

28.Fulong Zhu*, Zhiyong Wang, Rongfeng Guan, Honghai Zhang, Sheng Liu, “Mechanical properties investigation of a SnAg solder”, Proceedings of 2005 International conference on electronics packaging, Tokyo,Japan,April 13-15,2005, pp.208-213.

29.Fulong Zhu*, Honghai Zhang, Rongfeng Guan, Sheng Liu, “Investigation of Creep Behaviors of a Lead-free Solder Alloy Sn96.5Ag3.5”, 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology, Shanghai, China, Aug. 26-29, 2006.

30.Rongfeng Guan, Fulong Zhu, ZhiyinGan, Huang Dexiu , Sheng Liu, “Stress birefringence analysis of polarization maintaining optical fibers”, Optical fiber technology, v11, n3, July, 2005, p240-254.

31.Wang Zhiyong, Zhu Fulong, ZHANG Hong-hai, LIU Sheng, GUAN Rong-feng, “A Six-axis Mechanical Tester for Microspecimens”, The 3rd International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology(ISIST2004), Aug.18-22, 2004, Xi’an, China, Vol.3, 0535-0540.(ISTP)

32.Guan Rongfeng, Wang Xuefang, Zhu Fulong, GanZhiyin, Liu Sheng, Huang Dexiu, “Study on plasma cleaning and strength of wire bonding”, Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on the Business of Electronic Product Reliability and Liability( EPRL), Apr.,26-29, 2004 Shanghai,China,p65-71.(EI,ISTP)

33.Guan Rongfeng, GanZhiyin, Zhu Fulong, Liu Sheng, Wang Xuefang, “A Study of Anodic Bonding for Die-Level Vacuum Packaging”, 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology, Shanghai, China, Aug. 26 -29, 2006.

34.Sihai Chen, Dianmin Wang, Fulong Zhu, Yong Xu and Xinjian Yi, “Research on micro flexible shear stress sensor fabrication”, Journal of Transducer Technology, 2005 (8), 81-85.

35.Wenming Liu, Zhiyong Wang, JianbinBao, Xuefang Wang, Rongfeng Guan, Fulong Zhu and Sheng Liu, “Research of Vacuum Reflow Process of Micro-gyroscope”, Microfabrication Technology, April, 2006, p 61-64.

Selected Cases

  • Project name: packaging process and standard for airtightness MEMS

Source: National 973 planning project

  • Project name: Database and properties test for packaging materials

Source: National 863 planning project MEMS major projects

  • Project name: Utility research and manufacturing of MEMS pressure sensors for significant industry

Source: National 863 planning project (2004AA404221)

  • Project name: Research on the vacuum welding encapsulation key technology and equipment under the condition of low costs and high performance

Source: National 863 planning project (2005AA404260)

  • Project name: Bionic research of MEMS functional surface based on the lotus effect

Source: National Science Foundation Project (50475137)

  • Project name: Research on the Droplet Jetting technology of metal solder based on electromagnetic hydrodynamics

Source: Nation Science Foundation project (50775087)

  • Project name: Basic research on the systematic packaging, thermal management and thermal stress

Source: Sub-topic of National “973” project (2009CB320203)

  • Project name: Micro sensor and system for vehicle tire pressure

Source: Sub-topic of National “863” project

  • Project name: Research on the key technology of high density three dimensional systematic packaging

Source: National “02” important and special project (2009ZX02038)

  • Project name: Development and industrialization for advanced packaging process

Source: National “02” important and special project (2009ZX02024-09)

  • Project name: The key technology of three dimensional packaging based on TSV

Source: National “02” important and special project

  • Project name: Fundamental research on scale packaging technology for MEMS component

Source:  National “02” important and special project

  • Project name: Research and industrialization of key packaging equipment, material application engineering and packaging warpage measurement equipment

Source: National “02” important and special project (2009ZX02010-041)

  • Project name: Research on the interface reliability of lead-free interconnect solder joint reinforced by carbon nanotubes

Source: The central university basic scientific research business expenses funded project

  • Project name: Analysis of the effect of vibration to the contact resistance of electrical connector used in avionics products

Source: Aviation fund (20120279004)

  • Project name: Research of the contact reliability of electrical connector used in avionics products under micro vibration

Source: The central university basic scientific research business expenses funded project

  • Project name: Research on the measurement technology of ultra sound power based on the acousto-optical effect

Source: Research project entrusted by enterprise (2011TS066)

  • Project name: Research on the third generation of semiconductor packaging and system failure mechanism and reliability fast life method, material model and development of the data processing method (sub-topic of Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Source: Sub-topic of national “863” planning project

Awards and Honors

  • The project awarded: The key technology and equipment for systematic packaging and test

Award level: Award for electronic information technology (second-class)

The units of prizes: Chinese Institute of Electronics

Time: 2009.12

  • The project awarded: The key technology and equipment for systematic packaging and test

Award level: The first award of S&T progress

The units of prizes: Chinese Federation of Logistic Purchasing

Time: 2009.11

  • The project awarded: The structure design of the micro capsule robot

Award level: outstanding paper of a bachelor’s degree in Hubei province-adviser

The units of prizes: Hubei Provincial Department of Education

Time: 2012.12

  • The project awarded: Design of a magnetic navigation type motion detection platform for capsule endoscopy

Award level: outstanding paper of a bachelor’s degree in Hubei province-adviser

The units of prizes: Hubei Provincial Department of Education

Time: 2010.2

  • The project awarded: The structure design and test for high precision one-dimensional test platform

Award level: outstanding paper of a bachelor’s degree in Hubei province-adviser

The units of prizes: Hubei Provincial Department of Education

Time: 2009.2