Feng Bo




Email: bofeng@hust.edu.cn

Academic Areas: Nondestructive testing methods and instruments; Signal processing techniques; Machine learning methods; Sensors and actuators

Bo Feng was born in Jingdezhen, China, in 1990. He received the B.Sc. degree in physics from Beijing Normal University in 2011 and the Ph.D. degree in Measurement Technology and Instrumentation from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2016. He worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa from September 2016 to September 2019. He is a lecturer with School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology since October 2019. His current research interests include electromagnetic non-destructive testing and guided ultrasonic wave testing.

Academic Degrees

2011.09 – 2016.06   Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Ph.D.

2007.09 – 2011.07   Beijing Normal University, B.Sc.


Professional Experience

2016.09 – 2019.09  Postdoctoral researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

2019.10 – Now        Lecturer at School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Selected Publications

Personal home page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bo-Feng-12


1.Bo Feng*, Artur Lopes Ribeiro, Dario J. Pasadas and Helena Geirinhas Ramos. Locating low velocity impacts on a composite plate using multi-frequency image fusion and artificial neural network. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2022, 41(2): 34.

2. Bo Feng*, Weixi Chen, Satoshi Ito, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Artur L. Ribeiro and Helena G. Ramos. Quantitative evaluation of the delamination length in mechanical lap joints of high-temperature superconducting tapes using Lamb waves. Measurement, 2020, 156: 107606.

3. Bo Feng, Dario J. Pasadas, Artur L. Ribeiro, Helena G. Ramos*. Locating Defects in Anisotropic CFRP Plates Using ToF-Based Probability Matrix and Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2019, 68(5): 1252-1260.

4. Bo Feng, Yihua Kang, Yanhua Sun*, Zhiyang Deng. Magnetization time lag caused by eddy currents and its influence on high-speed MFL testing. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2019, 30(4): 189-204.

5. Bo Feng, Artur Lopes Ribeiro, Helena Geirinhas Ramos*. A new method to detect delamination in composites using chirp-excited Lamb wave and wavelet analysis. NDT and E International, 2018, 100: 64–73.

6. Bo Feng, Artur L. Ribeiro, Tiago J. Rocha, Helena G. Ramos*. Comparison of Inspecting Non-Ferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Metals Using Velocity Induced Eddy Current Probe. Sensors, 2018, 18(10), 3199.

7. Bo Feng*, Artur Lopes Ribeiro, Helena Geirinhas Ramos. Interaction of Lamb waves with the edges of a delamination in CFRP composites and a reference-free localization method for delamination. Measurement, 2018, 122: 424-431.

8. Bo Feng*, Yihua Kang, Yanhua Sun. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of the feasibility of inspecting nonferromagnetic conductors by an MFL testing apparatus. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2016, 27(2): 100-111.

9. Bo Feng, Yihua Kang*, Yanhua Sun, Yun Yang, Xizi Yan. Influence of motion induced eddy current on the magnetization of steel pipe and MFL signal. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2016, 52(1-2): 357-362.

10. Yanting Chen, Bo Feng*, Yihua Kang, BoCheng Liu, Shenghan Wang, Zhaoqi Duan. A Novel Thermography-Based Dry Magnetic Particle Testing Method. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022.

11. Gongzhe Qui, Yihua Kang, Shenghan Wang, Si Cheng and Bo Feng*. A novel permeability perturbation testing method for delaminations in steel plates. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2022.

12. Rongbiao Wang, Yihua Kang*, Jian Tang, Bo Feng and Yongle Deng. A novel magnetic flux leakage testing method based on ac and dc composite magnetization. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2020, 39: 84.

13. Lian Xie, Bin Gao*, Guiyun Tian, Jidong Tan, Bo Feng, Ying Yin. Coupling Pulse Eddy Current Sensor for Deeper Defects NDT. Sensors & Actuators A Physical, 2019, 293: 189-199.

14. Dario J. Pasadas*, Helena G. Ramos, Bo Feng, Prashanth Baskaran, Artur Ribeiro. Defect Classification with SVM and Wideband Excitation in Multilayer Aluminum Plates. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 69(1): 241-248.

15. Jianbo Wu*, Hui Xia, Bo Feng, Erlong Li, Xiaoming Huang and Yihua Kang. The effect of motion-induced eddy current on axial MFL inspection for a steel pipe. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2019, 59(4): 1187-1193.

16. Jianbo Wu*, Yanhua Sun, Bo Feng, Yihua Kang. The Effect of Motion-Induced Eddy Current on Circumferential Magnetization in MFL Testing for a Steel Pipe. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, July 2017, 53(7): 6201506.

17. Yun Yang, Long Li, Bo Feng, Yihua Kang*. Theoretical analysis and simulation of an enhancement method for the micro-crack signal in MFL inspection. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2016, 52(3-4): 1107-1113.

18. Yanhua Sun*, Shiwei Liu, Donglin Li, Zhijian Ye, Min Gu, Changde Liu, Bo Feng, Ibrahim Temel, Yihua Kang. Analyses of the Generating Mechanisms of Standard Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing Signals, Materials Evaluation, 2016, 74(6): 909-918.

19. Yanhua Sun*, Bo Feng, Shiwei Liu, Zhijian Ye, Shaobo Chen, Yihua Kang. A Methodology for Identifying Defects in the Magnetic Flux Leakage Method and Suggestions for Standard specimens. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2015, 34: 20.

20. Yanhua Sun*, Bo Feng, Zhijian Ye, Shiwei Liu, Min GuChangde Liu, Shaobo Chen, Change Trends of Magnetic Flux Leakage with Increasing Magnetic Excitation, Insight, 2015, 57(12): 1-8.

21. Zhijian Ye, Yihua Kang, Yanhua Sun*, Guangyou Yang, Bo Feng, Qian Zhou. Theoretical analyses of an alternating current electric flux leakage inspection method and experimental verification. Insight, 2015, 57(2): 78-84.

22. Yanhua Sun*, Jianbo Wu, Bo Feng, Yihua Kang. An Opening Electric-MFL Detector for the NDT of In-Service Mine Hoist Wire. IEEE Sensor Journal, 2014, 14(6): 2042-2047.

Courses Taught

Sensor technology

Nondestructive testing

Engineering measurement technology

Instrumentation intelligence
