Professor Hu Youmin Went to Australia to Attend to The International Conference On Engineering Education and Research 2016
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The International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2016, organized by the School of Computing Engineering and Mathematics of University of Western Sydney, Australia, was held in Parramatta, Sydney on November 21-24, 2016. At the invitation of the conference organizers, Prof. Youmin Hu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology of School of Mechanical Science and Engineering went to attend the conference.

The meeting was attended by 15 countries and regions, 30 participants, including a representative of China, a total number of 36 papers were presented at the conference, including 1 paper from China, which was both read and posted. As the representative of China, Prof. Youmin Hu gave a lecture entitled " Comparison of Project-based, Creative Engineering Courses at Georgia Tech and Huazhong University of Science and Technology" and communicated with the experts, and the conference gave affirmation and indicated that it had a good guiding significance.

The exchange of the conference further deepened the cooperation relationship between HUST and the University of Western Sydney, Australia, and laid a foundation for deeper cooperation study.

The three teachers are funded by promoting international cooperation program of college of mechanical engineering.


Visiting campus
