15 to 17 June 2015, Dr. Chen Liang Zhou,teacher of MSE,went to Palanga, Lithuania to attend the 19th International Conference ELECTRONICS2015, and made the special report "Fabrication of long and smooth tungsten probes for Nano-Manipulaion",a new dynamic electrochemical etching method and process for fabrication of slender and smooth tungsten probe was presented. The Co-Chair of the Conference, Professor Dangirutis NAVIKAS, gave a high evaluation of the report.
The academic level of the conference has earned a global reputation in the electronics field. hundreds of scholars from all five continents of the world, 60 countries, were attracted to attend the ELECTRONICS every year. The conference committee consisted of 28 professors, Who are from Technical University of Madrid / Madrid, SPAIN,Czech Technical University in Prague / Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, Wroclaw University of Technology / Wroclaw, POLAND, University of Split, FESB / Split, CROATIA, and so on.
For participants, the conference provide face to face communication opportunity with the field top researchers, and help all to the latest results and engineering application in electronics field. At the same time, ELECTRONICS 2015 made the connection between scholars all over the world more closely, Which must be conducive to mutual cooperation and acedemic exchange.
The particpant was supportted by the International Cooperation and Implementation Programe of MSE.