Replying to the invitation of Professor Yunqing Zhang of National Research Center for CAD, Mechanical School of Science and Technology, Dr. Zhen Luo of University of Technology, Sydney visited Huazhong university of science and technology on July 8. In the afternoon, Dr. Zhen Luo gave an academic report named “Design of functionally-graded cellular composites using a multi-scale topology optimization method” in National Research Center for CAD.
Dr. Zhen Luo introduced some advanced topics in the field of cellular composites and topology optimization methods including homogenization, solid isotropic material penalization methods (SIMP), evolutionary structural optimization methods, level set methods and so on. This presentation was focused on integrating engineering design of functionally-graded materials and structures for cellular solids using topology optimization. A new method has been developed by Dr. Zhen Luo to solve the design problem of the macro structure and micro-structured materials named multi-scale topological optimization method. The first scale optimization is called macro-structural design using the SIMP method to describe the hierarchical structural layout with layer-wise intermediate densities, and the second scale is an inversed material design process of micro-structures by combining the numerical homogenization approach into a powerful parametric level set method. Several numerical examples have been given to show the characteristics of the proposed engineering design methodology. At last, Dr. Zhen Luo discussed some related topics of topology optimization with the staffs and students who attended the presentation.
Dr. Luo is the group leader of 'Engineering Computations and Optimization' (ECO) at UTS. His current research is focused on structural shape and topology optimization, computational design of micro- and nanostructured metamaterials, micro fluidics and pumps, biomedical engineering and biomechanics, esystems, uncertainty design optimization (robust and reliability), sampling and surrogate modeling for approximation optimization.
Dr. Luo has published over 100 peer-reviewed research articles including over 60 top tier international journal papers since his Ph.D. in 2005. He has been invited to give over 20 research seminars, lectures and talks, as well as 8 keynotes in international workshops and conference symposia.
He has been a Core Investigator for several competitive research projects, including UTS Vice-Chancellor's Fellowship, and UTS Partnership Research Grant, as well as National Natural-Science-Foundation of China (NSFC) projects and Australian AutoCRC Rsearch Projects.
Dr. Luo is a regularly invited reviewer for international leading journals in the field. He is a member of the following professional societies:
International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM) Australian Association of Computational Mechanics (AACM)
International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO) International Society of Global Optimization (ISGO)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)