August 2 to 7, 2015, Wu Lei, teacher of MSE, attended to the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, held in Los Angeles USA, and academic report as entitled "Skeuomorphism and Flat Design: Evaluating Users' Emotion Experience in Car Navigation Interface Design ".
HCI International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction founded since 1984, is one of the top meeting in the human-computer interaction research area. The meeting has a large range of international influence, every year attracts hundreds of professors and scholars from the United States, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan, Korea and many other well-known colleges and universities to attend the meeting. The meeting topics covered human-computer interaction, user experience and the forefront of research in HCI. Tsinghua University, Tongji University and other colleges and universities in china have been sending teachers to attend the meeting in this year. The conference provided participants and top scholars the opportunity to communicate face to face, to help learn about the latest achievements and developments in the HCI field, and thus the depth summary of previous research, to better grasp the direction of the future research. At the same time, participate in the conference to promote our latest developments and research results in industrial design department in MSE, and enhance the international influence of our industrial design department in MSE.
The participant was financial supported by the International Cooperation and Implementation Program of MSE.