At the invitation of Prof. Mingxiang Chen, Professor C P Wong from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) visited School of Mechanical Science & Engineering (MSE) at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) from June 11th to 15th, 2015, and gave a presentation titled “Nanomaterials and Technologies for Electronic, Photonic and MEMS Appilcations”.
Recently, nanotechnology and nanomaterials have been widely used in electronic fabrication, especially in electronic packaging. In this talk, Prof. Wong introduced detailed his researches about the development and applications of new materials during the past 40 years, especially focused on the controllable growth of CNT, growth and applications of graphene, fabrication of micro and nano structure and thermal management. Finally, Professor Wong shared his experiences about researches and experiment design. Professor Ding, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of MSE at HUST, participated in the report, he warmly welcomed the visit of Professor Wong, and wished to further cooperation between Georgia institute of Technology and Huazhong University of science and technology. Prof. Zhouping Yin as the vice dean of MSE, Prof. Xiaobing Luo as the vice dean of School of Energy and Power at HUST, and more than 80 attendee came from MSE、ME、OE、WNLO and Wuhan University joined this talk.
Professor C. P. Wong is the Charles Smithgall Institute Endowed Chair and Regents’ Professor. After his doctoral study, he was awarded a two-year postdoctoral fellowship with Nobel Laureate Professor Henry Taube at Stanford University. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was with AT&T Bell Laboratories for many years and became an AT&T Bell Laboratories Fellow in 1992. His research interests lie in the fields of polymeric materials, electronic packaging and interconnect, interfacial adhesions, nano-functional material syntheses and characterizations. nano-composites such as well-aligned carbon nanotubes, grahenes, lead-free alloys, flip chip underfill, ultra high k capacitor composites and novel lotus effect coating materials.
He received many awards, among those, the AT&T Bell Labs Fellow Award in 1992, the IEEE CPMT Society Outstanding Sustained Technical Contributions Award in 1995, the Georgia Tech Sigma Xi Faculty Best Research Paper Award in 1999, Best MS, PhD and undergraduate Thesis Awards in 2002 and 2004, respectively, the University Press (London) Award of Excellence, the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000, the IEEE EAB Education Award in 2001, the IEEE CPMT Society Exceptional Technical Contributions Award in 2002, the Georgia Tech Class of 1934 Distinguished Professor Award in 2004, Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Advisor Award in 2005, the IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Field Award in 2006, the Sigma Xi’s Monie Ferst Award in 2007, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)’s TEEM Award in 2008, the 2009 IEEE -CPMT David Feldman Outstanding Contribution Award and the 2009 Penn State University Distinguished Alumni Award. He holds over 60 U.S. patents, numerous international patents, has published over 1000 technical papers, 10 books and a member of the National Academy of Engineering of the USA since 2000.
As a part of “Digital Manufacturing and Intelligent Manufacturing Forum”, this visiting was supported by the plan for international cooperation in ME at HUST.