Associate Professor QIU Haobo attends WCSMO-11 in Sydney
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In June 7th to 12th 2015, Associate professor Qiu Haobo and Doctor Cai Xiwen, Doctor Li Xiaoke went to Australia to attend the 11th world congress of structural and multidisciplinary optimization, WCSMO-11, and gave special reports entitled "a for deterministic computer simulation based on cross validation error efficient sequential sampling method" and "a based on support vector machine (SVM) improved adaptive sampling strategy for reliability based design optimization".

WCSMO is one of the most important top international conference in the field of structural and multidisciplinary optimization. Associate professor Qiu said, this congress offered a rare opportunity for him to communicate to top researchers in industry by face to face. It is conductive to understanding the latest achievements in the field as well as promoting engineering application. Consequently, it is beneficial to further summarized in a previous study, and preferable to grasp the future research direction. The associate professor also indicated that, according to the congress, connections between scholars from the world will becomes closer, thus lay a firm foundation for the development of the field of structural and multidisciplinary optimization.

WCSMO attracted more than 300 famous experts and scholars from 24 countries in the world to gather together to share their research results and have an extensive discussion for development of the field and its application prospect. The co-chairman of WCSMO Qing Li, from the University of Sydney, summarized the current achievements of topology and shape optimization and referred to the new frontiers. Distinguished professor Ramana V. Grandhi, from the Wright State University, summarized the trends in surrogate/meta-modeling and multi-fidelity in the field of structural and multidisciplinary optimization. Besides, the famous professor from Osaka Prefecture University in Japan summarized the current design under uncertainty and proposed new challenges in that field.

As a part of “Digital Manufacturing and Intelligent Manufacturing Forum”, this visiting was supported by the plan for international cooperation in MSE at HUST.

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