September 5, 2017, at the invitation of the State Key Lab of Digital Manufacturing EquipmentandTechnology, a group of senior researchers, represented by Yen-Teng Ho from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) Taiwan visit our school in the morning and give a report on ‘the Synthesis of Two Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) and Their Applications'. The event is hosted by professor Liu Shiyuan.
In this report, Dr.Ho systematically introduces the development status of two-dimensional materials and a series of achievements in scientific research, among which synthesis methods and innovative applications of large area and high quality MoS2 are discussed in detail. The content of the report is devided into three sections. First is an introduction to a wide range of applications of MoS2 on transistor circuit, RAM, PV, photo detectors, biosensors and RF devices, etc. In the second section, he talks about the existing methods of preparing MoS2 and compares those methods from various aspects such as film-forming quality and forming area. Finally, a two-step synthesis method used for preparing MoS2 of large area and the synthesis technique for Nb doped p-type MoS2 are elaborated.
On this event, the students are fascinated by Dr. Ho’s presentation, both the lecturer and the audiences enthusiastically share their ideas based on the theme of the report.
Yen-Teng Ho received his bachelor degree in Physics from National Central University of Taiwan and in Materials Science and Engineering from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)in Taiwan. He joined Nano Technology Center of Chiao Tung University as a senior researcher in 2011 and has been focused on research and development of new materials. Dr.Ho has rich experience and unique insights into the synthesis of new materials. Recently, many pioneering work and outstanding contributions in the field of materials science have been made by him. Dr.Ho published more than 40 Journal papers and holds 6 patents worldwide.