Author: Edit:甘慧杰       Release time:Oct 16, 2017       click:

Prof.Ruiz Garcia, Ruben, invited by Prof.Gao Liang and Prof.Pan Quanke, visited MSE and State Key Lab of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology during Sept 14 to Sept 28, 2017.He gave four presentations on scientific writings and scheduling optimization algorithm.

During the first two sessions, Prof. Ruben demonstrated skills of scientific writings and talked about how to publish papers effectively.In the third session,Prof. Ruben explained the significant role of data analysis in research works, and discussed about different species, methods and process steps of variance analysis in data processing.In the last presentation, he introduced Iterated Greedy methodology by showing an example of how to solve the distributed scheduling problems using this method.

Teachers and students interested in scheduling and optimization algorithms attended the lectures and exchanged their views actively. This two-week academic event ended in success.

Ruiz Garcia Ruben, professor of statistics and operations research at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. He is the chief editor of Elsevier’s journal Operations Research Perspectives (ORP),co-editor of the JCR-listed journal European Journal of Industrial Engineering (EJIE),associate editor of other important journals like TOP, Applied Mathematics and Computation. He is also a member of editorial board committees of other ten more journals such as European Journal of Operational Research as well as Computers and Operations Research. He is currently in charge of the project of Application Optimization System, where he has been the principal investigator of several public research projects as well as privately funded projects with industrial companies. Prof. Ruben has been devoting himself on studies on statistics, production planning and scheduling, artificial intelligence and supply chain, and has published more than 70 papers, among which 54 are published on international journals.

Visiting campus
