Submission Activity Anne Amira Evans
Author:Anne Amira Evans from Queen Mary University of London Edit:欧阳俊怡       Release time:Jul 2, 2024       click:

This summer I had the privilege of attending the HUST Chinese language + AI Robot Summer programme in Huazhong University of Science and Technology in  Wuhan. I had a great experience in this programme as I've had the opportunity to learn new skills and experience some of the Chinese culture.

My time at the summer school has been great. I had practical theoretical lessons about the makings and systems of Robots which I have greatly enjoyed and hope to continue to learn more about. I've also really enjoyed the Chinese culture lessons where we were able to interact with the culture by doing traditional Chinese calligraphy and fan making while learning some Chinese.

The campus is also great and I loved exploring it with the shared bikes and walking, which allowed me to see some of the great natural sceneries around the  campus. On campus and in Wuhan I was able taste some of the local food such as the lotus flower soup, dry noodles and dumplings which I've enjoyed. I've also been   to some of amazing historical places and cultural events such as the dragon boat race and seeing the historical yellow crane tower and the Han show in the theathef. And lastly the boat ride on the Yangtze river which was also great. This summer programme was amazing and very fun and I've gained many skills in my  time in this programme.

Visiting campus
