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Author:Eliot Toby Gambino from University of Birmingham Edit:Ouyang Junyi       Release time:Jul 6, 2024       click:

The AI Robot Summer School has been a perfect time away for me; not only have I been offered the chance to study a subject which I am keen to learn and dive into but there is a vibrant city with a rich history to explore in my free time.

Originally when I arrived, I was unsure of what to expect from a different culture to what I find in the UK. However, I have found a soft spot for the university and Wuhan over the past few weeks. Being in a forest campus which is so easy to navigate is not something to take for granted and makes day to day life more enjoyable. I have also loved the wider city and taking photographs of the landscape. As well as this, the new dormitories have been great for offering a nice place to stay and to make new friends and are near a few of many canteens on campus which offer amazing food at an affordable price. Furthermore, the staff at HUST have been more than helpful and hospitable to us students which was highlighted by the opening ceremony.

On the academic side, I have thoroughly enjoyed the lectures which have been provided to us by world leading experts in AI and Robotic technology. They have imparted enthusiasm and a plethora of knowledge regarding the subjects such as how AI technology can improve car automation in the future and how the robotics industry is advancing in its development of humanoid style robotics. Additionally, the academic visits, especially to the Innovation & Entrepreneurship centre on campus, has allowed me to see the content we are learning in lectures applied in real life industrial scenarios. Moreover, the cultural lectures have given me a glimpse into China’s long and prolific history.

Visiting campus
