2024 "Discover at HUST" Chinese Language + AI Robotics Summer Program Came to a Successful Conclusion
Author:Wu Siqi, Xu Xiaodi, Gan Huijie Edit:Ouyang Junyi       Release time:Jul 16, 2024       click:

On the afternoon of July 12th, "Discover at HUST" Chinese Language + AI Robotics International Student Summer School, organized by MSE, came to a successful conclusion in the academic auditorium. The closing ceremony was hosted by Prof. Xu Jianfeng, Vice Dean of MSE. Chairman of MSE Ms. Zhang Fen and Assoc. Prof. Ling Ling, and the teachers of the summer school, attended the ceremony.

This summer school brought together 79 outstanding international students from 13 prestigious universities, including RWTH Aachen University (Germany), the University of Birmingham (UK), the University of California, San Diego (USA), and the National University of Singapore. They joined hands to explore the charm of Chinese culture and the mysteries of artificial intelligence and robotics, fostering a solid bridge for international exchange and cooperation.

The closing ceremony kicked off with a meticulously crafted video documenting the summer school's highlights, as all teachers and students reminisced about the international students' learning and living experiences at HUST, witnessing their growth and transformation.

Following the video, Chairman Zhang Fen delivered an enthusiastic speech. She highly commended the international students for their diligence and cross-cultural communication skills displayed during the summer program, emphasizing that it was not merely a platform for acquiring knowledge but also a window for enhancing friendships and broadening horizons. She further expressed her hope that every international student would become a bridge connecting China with the world, jointly promoting the prosperity and development of global science, technology, and culture.

Assoc. Prof. Ling Ling, representing the faculty, shared her teaching insights and encouraged students to maintain their thirst for knowledge and spirit of exploration, shining brightly in their respective fields in the future.

Lingzhi Pahler, a student representative from RWTH Aachen University, expressed his gratitude to HUST and all teachers and students in the summer school. After showcasing the fan-folding and paper-cutting works he crafted during class, he said, "This experience has deeply impressed me with the profoundness of Chinese culture and the boundless possibilities of AI technology. I will bring back everything I've learned here to Germany and share it with more friends." His speech drew warm applause from the teachers and students present.

Subsequently, Ms. Wu Siqi, the international student counselor, introduced MSE's international student programs, offering more options for international students who aspire to further their studies in the future.

Chairman Zhang Fen presented certificates of completion to the international students and certificates to outstanding volunteers.

Lastly, all teachers and students posed for a group photo to commemorate the occasion.

Friendship LinkThe Grand Opening of the “Discover at HUST” Chinese language+ AI Robot Summer School


(Photo by LiXing)

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